The election 2009 showed a drastic paradigm shift. The voter didn't became pappu and showed the political puppeteers that the vote of the common man still counts. Even though voting percentage was poor, majority of population didn't voted because of intense heat of summer or due to frustration from fraudulent and deceptive promises of the leaders. One of the important things that derived from this election was now the voter has became mature, voters gave vote to whom they thought was right according to them in spite they clap at the slapstick jokes of the leaders or the dialogues delivered by showbiz personalities that give their special appearances in rallies as their full presence didn't works in films. The point is distraction is not working with the voters anymore now. Probably the long pertaining frustration has made this change but however it came it is positive. Specifically in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar where the term "Bahuballi" is a standard political term , for the first time people have showed their vote power to them and rejected them from entering into the Country's parliament. The indecent word usage also didn't worked for politicians. This election has also given reward to the people who spent their time in grass-root level whether it may be Nitish Kumar or Rahul Gandhi. The intentions of the competitors were well judged by the voters. Now the point is clear you do development you get the vote it doesn't count how much you spend in electoral promotions.
The conversion of Hindutva politics or other religional politics to Nationalistic Politics is the need of the hour for our nation. Currently all the neighbours are not in a stable condition. Present conditions of Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka may result in any future impact to our country. So, it is very necessary to be alert and united. Another factor that came from this election is that people want stability in government. However this point is still not clear in totality as till date UPA hasn't confirmed what will be the allies of this time but there is an indication of this. Also this elections made the Communist Flag to go down and there is a little hope that it will be flutter again in high skies.Worries on inflation rearing its head again, limited headroom for fresh fiscal stimulus and the upheaval in global financial scenario face the new Manmohan Singh government even though the stock markets are on a roll. Indeed it will be an uphill task.We can hope that the new government will appoint agile and capable minds that will make the proper decisons for the country.